
Treadmill vs Elliptical Machines is a comparison many people face when choosing between two of the most popular pieces of gym equipment. Both are great for burning calories, losing weight and getting fit.
The treadmill is probably the most popular machine in the gym. If you go to the gym regularly or even if you've only been once, the chances are you had to wait in line for the treadmill. In recent times the ellipticals have been catching up in the popularity stakes
But how do you decide which one to go for? It's a very hard question to answer with specifics, so I'll break it down:
Which is most likely to cause injury?
The treadmill is what is known as a low impact piece of cardio equipment but it does cause some jarring and trauma to the lower body. The padding on the treadmill belt does reduce some of that impact, and the adverse affects are far less than those caused by running outdoors.
The elliptical trainer provides a bio mechanically smoother movement which compliments the body’s natural motion with almost zero impact. The gliding motion of an elliptical greatly reduces the chance of injury.
The reduced risk of injury to the lower body makes the elliptical trainer the best choice for anyone who has suffered from back or knee problems.
Which one is the best choice for the home?
If your looking to buy an elliptical or treadmill for the home you need to consider available space. The treadmill will take up more space while the elliptical leaves a smaller 'footprint'. In addition treadmills tend to be noisier, and the sound and vibrations generated by a treadmill is something else to consider. In contrast to this, the ellipticals tend to be much quieter with their smooth motion.
So what about fat burning and weight loss?
Technically speaking you can burn equal amounts of calories on both machines. It’s actually the intensity at which you use them (how fast on the treadmill, how much resistance on the elliptical) that will determine how fast you burn calories. By the way, an excellent way to increase the intensity on a treadmill is to raise the incline; it helps you work harder without actually having to go faster.
The better answer is to buy the one you really think you will use. Boredom is a huge factor for home workouts, and treadmills can be incredibly boring. I’d recommend buying the one that offers you the best likelihood that you will continue to use it consistently.
Finally there is one feature I forgot that may give treadmills the edge over elliptical trainers....
….you can walk your dog on them!